Warwickshire County Council Community Safety Team, Warwickshire Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire are working in partnership to deliver support for businesses in Warwickshire.
This crime prevention workshop will provide information and advice to Warwickshire’s SMEs and aims to:
- Improve our engagements with the business community
- Raise awareness of the latest crime trends, and enable businesses to protect themselves from crime, and its many impacts.
- Enable businesses to target resources more efficiently, through effective intelligence and information exchange, ensuring a safe environment to live and work.
- Share best practice and support all businesses throughout Warwickshire.
Book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/it-wont-happen-to-me-crime-prevention-workshop-for-warwickshire-smes-tickets-62502170675
Six crime prevention areas for businesses will be explored:
- Warwickshire Business Watch Partnership Scheme: how we can help you
- Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking: what your responsibilities are to tackle this
- Cyber Crime: common threats, social engineering and the impact on SMEs
- GDPR: why it’s more than an IT problem
- Business Continuity: links to business continuity and the impact on a business regardless of size
- Prevent & the Business Community: spot the signs of radicalisation
- 08:30 – 09:00 Arrival, Breakfast & Networking
- 09:00 – 11:30 Training
- 11:30 – 12:30 Networking & Event Close
- Light breakfast, coffee & tea will be provided for the duration of the event.
Warwickshire Business Watch Partnership Scheme
Traditional business crime is all about knowing how to best protect your business. You could take simple and cost effective measures to ensure the safety and security inside and outside your business. Find out the 3 most common threats to your business and how to tackle these. Warwickshire County Council Business Crime Advisor will go through the scheme and support available for businesses here in Warwickshire.
Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking (MSHT)
Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires businesses with a turnover of £36 million to prepare and publish a slavery and human trafficking statement for each financial year. However, businesses with turnover below the required threshold could also sign the pledge and publicise a Section 54 statement describing their actions to prevent modern slavery from occurring within their business.
We would encourage as many businesses as possible to join us in eradicating human rights abuses in supply chains and show that there is a collaborative response when it comes to ensuring human rights due diligence here in Warwickshire. Warwickshire County Council Business Crime Advisor will provide an insight into modern slavery and human trafficking at an international, national and local level.
Cyber Crime
Are your online accounts secure? If you are a small or medium sized business, there’s a 50% chance you will experience a cyber security breach. The average cost of a cyber security breach for small businesses is around £1,400 and above. Considering that SMEs make up almost 99.9% of Britain’s 5.5 million private sector businesses, lack of cyber security measures may pose a real threat to Warwickshire and the UK economy. Warwickshire County Council Cyber Crime Advisor and Regional Organised Crime United Cyber Protect Officer will take you through the latest crime trends and protection advice available.
Data breaches are commonplace. The definition of “data” that the EU uses is any information that can be used to identify, directly or indirectly, an individual person. For businesses, everything from employee key cards to email addresses are considered processing data, and subject to the regulation.
GDPR has a direct impact on the security systems and processes employed by all UK businesses. All security systems that record the movement of any EU citizen to the extent it can individually identify them, whether CCTV, ANPR, or door entry, will need to undergo a Privacy Impact Assessment.
Find out more about The European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), standard legislation on data protection across the UK and EU.
Risk Evolves is one of our partners who provide risk management and cyber security consultancy for businesses of all sizes, from SMEs to international corporations. For this training session, we will be having one of the managing directors at Risk Evolves taking us through GDPR and security issues.
Prevent & the Business Community
Warwickshire is a safe place to live and most crime types are continuing to reduce. However, we also live in a global community which means we are affected by trends and events that occur at the international level. At present, we need to consider the international threat of terrorism and those people who are pulled into groups that support extremist causes. Warwickshire County Council Prevent Officer will tell you more about the signs of radicalisation, extremism and terrorism and what you can do in the event of spotting the signs by taking part of this training session.
Business Continuity
Why is a Business Continuity Plan important? The answer is simple. Each business needs to have the ability to react quickly, respond and recover from a traditional crime incident or a cyber security breach. The impact of an incident is often wider than people first think, hence we will be having the Principal Emergency Planning Officer from the Regional CSW Resilience Team to provide support and guidance that will ensure your business has a smooth transition for when the time comes.
This event is sponsored and supported by Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe, Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Police, Regional Organised Crime Unit, CSW Resilience Team, Eliot Park Innovation Centre Nuneaton and Risk Evolves. There are no costs involved for this event, however please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Date: 30.07.2019 Location: Eliot Park Innovation Centre, 4 Barling Way, Nuneaton, CV10 7RH. Time: 08:30 – 12:30