Register your interest now for support

Register your interest for Business Ready support. The next iteration of the funded Business Ready programme is scheduled to fully start in the autumn 2023; we are anticipating a strong demand from businesses in the local area for what will be a limited budget.  To manage expectations, and plan resources, we are asking business owners to complete the expression of interest form below.

Register your interest

Support that may be of interest

What can the Programme offer me?

Our experienced team of Business Growth Advisers have been delivering professional support services to technology-based businesses for over three decades, and we have supported many 1000s of organisations and individuals.

The internal team are supported by a cohort of more than 30 Growth Specialists; consultants with specific sector and organisational expertise, who have run their own businesses and have extensive experience supporting, advising, coaching and mentoring growth businesses.

Why bother registering?

The budget is limited. Priority will be given to those that register first for the funded support. If we are oversubscribed there may be insufficient budget; companies that register later, and require support, may be required to pay to access the programme.

I don’t need support right now

Even if you don’t need support right now, it’s free to register your interest; no commitment, no obligation. You’ll be on the list and given priority for when you do need to access the service. So, registering now is really a no-brainer!

If I don’t register will I miss out?

We don’t want anyone to miss out, but we do anticipate the programme will be oversubscribed for the available budget.  We will be enrolling businesses that have shown an early interest; late comers may be required to pay to access the service.